Opus Haute Définition e-magazine

Great stars of russian ballet volume 2

Maya Plisetskaya, Ekaterina Maximova, Vladimir Vasiliev…

VAI 4531, Codaex Distribution

DVD mono

Ce second volume reprend des performances historiques mais cette fois-ci allant de 1955 à 1991. On retrouve des artistes exceptionnels et de haute tenue comme Maya Plisetskaya, Ekaterina Maximova, Vladimir Vasiliev, Yuri Vladimirov, Shamil Yagoudin, Stanislav Vlasov, Galina Ulanova, Sergei Berezhnoy, Boris Akimov, Larisa Trembovelskaya et tant d’autres sur des musiques fort connues comme La Belle au bois dormant de Tchaikovski, Roméo et juliette de Prokofiev. Des standards comme on dirait en jazz. Il n’y a rien à ajouter tant le second volume ressemble au premier. Sinon que les danseurs et danseuses sont toujours fabuleux, et que les images sont parfois un peu passées. Les passionnés seront emminement ravis de ce second volume.

Yannick Rolandeau

This second volume includes historic performances, but this time going from 1955 to 1991. Exceptional artists of high standing, such as Maya Plisetskaya, Ekaterina Maximova, Vladimir Vasiliev, Yuri Vladimirov, Shamil Yagoudin, Stanislav Vlasov, Galina Ulanova, Sergei Berezhnoy, Boris Akimov, Larisa Trembovelskay, among others, are included in performances of well-known music, such as Sleeping Beauty by Tchaikovski, and Romeo and Juliet by Prokofiev. “Standards,” as they say in jazz. That the second volume resembles the first is all that can be said. Except to say that the male and female dancers are fabulous, and that the images are sometimes somewhat faded. Fans will be utterly delighted by this second volume.

Translation Lawrence Schulman

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